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Discovery Fast Track Competition & Discovery Partnerships for Academia


GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) announces their Discovery Fast Track Competition to recognize and reward innovative concepts, discoveries and research by investigators affiliated with academic research institutions, colleges and universities. This programme is aligned with GSK Discovery Partnerships fo Academia (DPAc) initiative.


Discovery Fast Track is a competition that recognizes and rewards innovative concepts, discoveries and research by investigators affiliated with academic research institutions, colleges and universities. Winning investigators will collaborate with a team of GSK scientists to put their innovative research concept on an accelerated drug discovery path.

GSK will provide state-of-the-art capabilities to scale biological reagents and develop assays to support high-throughput screening of millions of compounds against your target or pathway. Our scientific expertise in data analysis and screening triage, combined with our capabilities, enable accelerated identification of high-quality chemical probes.


Together, GSK and the winners will work to interpret the output to identify chemical probes that could further the research field and lead to high-impact publications.

Winners will benefit in multiple ways

  • GSK will test our compound collection using our screening platforms to discover active compounds.
  • Together GSK and the investigator will triage and interpret the data output to identify and confirm chemical probes.
  • GSK may provide chemical structures of selected chemical probe(s) to investigators to help further their research and potentially lead to high-impact publications (subject to GSK’s existing internal and external obligations1).
  • Promising results may lead to an opportunity for the investigator and institution to collaborate with GSK to create a novel medicine with the Discovery Partnerships for Academia (DPAc) team.

Termini oficial

Proposals of Interest at anytime - even out of the deadlines of the call (aprox May 20, 2014)

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