European Association for the study of Diabetes - EFSD Clinical Diabetes Research Programme in Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca/Bristol-Myers Squibb
The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide multiple funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.
Bristol-Myers Squibb and AstraZeneca entered into a collaboration in January 2007. The Bristol-Myers Squibb/AstraZeneca diabetes collaboration is dedicated to global patient care, improving patient outcomes and creating a new vision for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Programme and Research Focus : EFSD has established this new Clinical Diabetes Research Programme in Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes to stimulate and acclerate European clinical research, and encourage projects aimed at advancing current knowledge of macrovascular complications of diabetes.
To achieve the goals and objectives of this Programme, EFSD invite applications by issuing this "Request for Applications" (RFA), which indicates joint funding as well as areas of research emphasis
Deadline for submission of applications: 1 November 2013
Cal comunicar abans del 17 d’octubre de 2013 que es vol participar a la convocatòria, enviant un e-mail a . Termini: 28 d’octubre de 2013. L'IISPV gestiona les ajudes dels seus investigadors, no és l'entitat convocant.
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cat
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
43201 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93