The Michael J Fox Foundation is helping to speed up drug development for PD with innovative strategies, like our annually launched Edmond J. Safra Core Programs for PD Research, which identify roadblocks along the therapeutic development pipeline. By sharing the risk of drug development with academic and industry researchers alike, we hope to increase the movement of new treatments to the clinic.
Part of our annual Edmond J. Safra Core Programs for PD Research, the Rapid Response Innovation Awards (RRIA) program supports high-risk, high-reward projects with little-to-no existing preliminary data, but with potential to significantly impact our understanding or treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD).
RRIA supports innovative, high-risk, high-reward projects tackling critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks that, if successful, open new avenues for PD therapy development. The program accelerates work in real time through the use of a unique rolling submission deadline and six-weeks-or-less funding decisions. The program is well suited to projects with little-to-no existing preliminary data, but where hypothetical rationale is highly compelling and study results can make the case for continuing (or discontinuing) a line of research. Applicants may submit on any PD-relevant area of basic, preclinical and/or clinical research with a clear, achievable one-year goal.
FUNDING AVAILABLE: RRIA supports one-year grants up to $75,000 total costs inclusive of both direct and indirect costs. No more than 10% of the direct costs may go to indirect costs. Please see the program instructions, Administrative Guidelines and our FAQ on MJFF indirect cost policy for details.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applications may be submitted by:
As therapeutic programs may require many kinds of expertise, MJFF encourages industry and academic collaborations when appropriate. Post-doctoral fellows are eligible to apply as Principal Investigator (PI), but must collaborate with an Administrative PI who serves as the director of the laboratory in which the research will be conducted. The Administrative PI will be responsible for assisting in providing all institutional documents required for the project and will be required to sign any award contract. Training or mentoring-only proposals will not be considered.
No deadline; applications accepted anytime.
Cal comunicar abans que es vol participar a la convocatòria abans del 8 de juliol de 2013 per a gestionar les nominacions i cartes de les institucions, enviant un e-mail a Termini per a presentar sol·licituds: 29 de Juliol de 2013
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