The European Commission has published the next call of Marie-Curie Reintegration Grants.
The objective is to reinforce the European Research Area (ERA) by encouraging researchers to establish themselves in a Member State or in an associated country, thereby attracting and retaining the best talents in Europe. The action is designed to support researchers in the first steps of their European research career and to attain lasting professional integration in the ERA. By providing researchers with a substantial research budget, the action is intended to improve considerably their prospects for long term integration, thus contributing to the success of their research career.
This action should also allow the transfer of knowledge that the researchers have acquired prior to the Career Integration Grant, as well as to the development of lasting co-operation with the scientific and/or industrial environment of the country from which they have moved. This action has a particular emphasis on countering European 'brain drain' to other third countries.
Eligible researchers: this action addresses researchers of any nationality who,at the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, correspond to the definition of experienced researchers, and who comply with the mobility rule. A researcher who has benefited or is benefiting from a reintegration or career integration grant (including IRG and ERG grants under both FP6 and FP7) is ineligible for funding under this call.
– The application is made jointly by a researcher and a host organisation.
– Applicant host organisations shall be active in research and located in a Member State or an associated country.
– Projects shall be for a period of up to 48 months (full-time equivalent).
– For further details concerning these conditions you shall refer to the core text of the work programme.
Funding: The grant is a fixed-amount contribution to the employment and/or research costs of the researcher at the reintegration host.
Further information: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-RG
Official deadlines for submission of proposals: 18 September 2013
Cal comunicar abans del 31 de juliol de 2013 que es vol participar a la convocatòria, enviant un e-mail a . Termini: 20 d'agost de 2013
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