- Lipoprotein separation by sequential ultracentrifugation (Kontron)
- Determination of blood biomarkers by autoanalizer (Cobas Mira Plus): lipid profiles, proteins, etc...
- Determination of α-tocoferol and retinol by HPLC (Hewlett Packard, 1050 with UV/visible and fluorescence detector)
- Apolar aldehide quantification by HPLC (Hewlett Packard, 1050 with UV/visible and fluorescence detector)
- Total aldehide quantification by TLC
- Determination of the susceptibility to oxidation of lipoproteins by spectrophotometry (Uvikon 922, Kontron)
- ELISAs: TNF-a, FABP4, ApoH, E-selectine, VCAM-1, ICAM-1, ox-LDL, Ab-oxLDL ...
Cellular cultures
- Optimization and mantainence of primary cultures and stable cellular lines
- Primary cultures: fibroblasts, monocytes, HUVEC, HAEC, VSMC ...
- Cellular lines: THP-1, HEPG2, Jurkat, 3T3L1 ...
- Freezing and thawing of cells.
- Storage of cells in liquid nitrogen.
- Counting of cells with a Neubauer camara (Olympus microscope, inverted and phase contrast).
- Determination of the cellular viability with Trypan blue, LDH, Hoechst.
- Detection of micoplasms in cellular cultures by PCR.
- Specific cellular colouring: Oil Red, ORO ...
- Cellular adhesion assay.
Cellular biology
- Obtaining cellular nuclear protein extracts.
- Obtaining cellular lisats.
- Protein determination by Lowry, Bradford
- Protein Separation by electrophoresis with poliacrilamide gels (SDS-PAGE ...) and silver nitrate colouring, coomassie blue (Protean II, BioRad; X Cell SureLock Mini Cell, Invitrogen; Multiphor II System, Amersham Biosciences; Hoefer SE 260, Amersham Bioscience)
- Protein determination by western blot: XCell Blot Module (Invitrogen) Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Transfer Cell (BioRad)
- Immunoprecipitation
Molecular Biology
- Total RNA Isolation from tissues and cells.
- cDNA synthesis. inversa Transcripció (RT)
- Arrays of genetic expression Arrays (in collaboration with an outside company)
- DNA amplification by PCR
- Electrophoresis with poliacrilamide gels and silver nitrate colouring, Sybr-Safe.
- Electrophoresis with agarose gels and with Sybr-Safe colouring.
- Electromobility shift assay (EMSA)
- Cloning of promotors in vectors
- Directed mutagenesis
- Cellular transfeccions
- Luciferase assay
Staff in the URLA laboratories work according to ISO 9001 quality control.