Laboratory of Psychiatry
IISPV Code of Good Scientific Practice. ISO 9001:2008 Quality management as a URV group. URV Health & safety Regulations.
- Manipulation of laboratory animals for use in experimental models.
- Hybridization techniques: Identifying specificr mRNAs.
- Genotyping: To identify the genotype at a particular position in the genome.
- Genetic Expression: To identify the quantity of mRNA of a particular gene that is expressed in a particular tissue or cell culture.
- Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis ofagarosa and acrilamide to separate fragments of DNA, and for example knowing their length.
- Automatic DNA sequencing: to find the nucleotide sequence of a particular fragment of DNA.
- Cell cultures : to grow cells and observe qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
- Immunohistochemistry: to identify the presence and/or quantity of a particular molecule (generally a protein) that is present in a tissue or cell culture.
Group equipment:
- GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Thermocycler for the PCR technique.
- OmniGene Temperature Cicler v2.0 TR3 Thermocycler for evaporating samples.
- LR37697 vacuum pump for purifying samples.
- Orbital Mini Plate shaker for homogenizing solutions.
- Mighty Small™ Multiple Casting Chambers mounting block for poliacrilamide gels.
- SE 250 Mighty Small II Slab Gel Electrophoresis Unit vertical bucket for electrophoresis.
- Horitzontal buckets for electrophoresis in Pharmacia LKB-GNA100 and Pharmacia LKB-GNA200 agarose gels.
- Electrophoresis source PS 500XT Power Supply.
- Electrophoresis source E-gel 96 mother base support.
- Qubit fluorometer Fluorescence spectroscope for quantifying nucleic acids and proteins
- Pipetman, mLINE i proLINE Automatic Pipettes, and ePET Electronic Pipettor electronics for dispensing fluids.
- Centrifuge-mixer CM-70M-09 Microcentrifuge and vortex for homogenizing and centrifuging small volumes.
- S102HS Hybridization oven for en situ hybridization.
- SE 2005161 heater for sterilizing and heating material.
- BR4i Multifunction Refrigerated centrifuge for centrifuging in different supports (tubes and plates).
- Electrolux i Liebherr Combis, and Whirpool freezer for storing samples, reactions and other preparations.
Co-financed and shared equipment:
- 7900 HT Fast Real Time PCR System, for carrying out quantitative real-time PCR.
- CEQ8000, for carrying out fragment analysis and automatic sequencing.
- VersaDoc 4000, for capturing and analyzing images of different types of samples including gels, blots, autoradiography, TCL plates and microplates. It can identify and quantify proteins and nucleic acids stained by chemoluminescence, fluorescence and other colour stainings.
- CO2 Termo Incubator for cell culturing.
- Air Liquid GT Nitrogen Deposit for storing cells.
- Ultrafreezers and other equipment from the Reus Biobanc.
Area: 50 m2. Shared with the Human Nutrition Unit and the Oncology research group.
Lourdes Martorell
Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
Planta baixa de l’edifici 3
C/St. Llorenç, 21
43201 Reus