The Mycology and Environmental Microbiology Unit has carried out sound research tasks since 1983, internationally valued for the high quality of its scientific output.
The research activity that is developed can be grouped into 4 fundamentals:
• Techniques of isolation and cultivation of filamentous fungi from clinical samples and environmental substrates.
• Microscopic identification of fungi in clinical and environmental sources.
• Epidemiological studies and molecular identification based on the study of ITS and RFLP.
• PCR amplification.
• DNA sequencing.
• Genotypic studies of microorganisms for MLST and DNA-DNA hybridisation.
• Determination of in vitro resistance / sensitivity of fungi to antifungals.
• Establishment of infection models in mice, rabbits and guinea pigs.
• Evaluation of experimental treatments in animal models.
• Determination of serum levels for bioassay of antifungals.
• Diagnostic immunoassay.
• Processing, staining and histological analysis of samples (H & E, GMC, PASS ...).
• Evaluation of microbiological contamination of water.
• Cloning of virulence factors in Aeromonas and Arcobacter.
• Deletion of putative virulence genes.
Unitat de Micologia i Microbiologia Ambiental
Facultat de Medicina
Carrer Sant Llorenç 21, 43201 Reus
Tel. central: 977759345 / Fax: 977759322
Tel. Laboratory: 977759341
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cat
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
43201 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93