Títol | Abstract |
NOVEL set of maRkers to select active adipose stem cells (ASC) for Improving efficacy | The present invention relates to targeted interventions directed at reducing the levels of circulating succinate in a subject. The invention further relates to kits and to a method for determining effectiveness of said interventions. |
Methods for improving the cell therapy efficacy with mesenchymal stem cell populations | Protocolo para mejorar las propiedades immunoreguladoras de células madre derivadas del tejido adiposo (ASCs) en enfermos del Crohn |
Predictive methods of ascending aorta dilation and bicuspid aortic valve | Methods for diagnosing ascending aorta dilation or bicuspid aortic valve, determining the probability of suffering from ascending aorta dilation, predicting the progression of ascending aorta dilation and kits useful for carrying on said methods |
Cisgenic mice overproducing mcp-1 | Se refiere al campo de animales cisgénicos y uso de los mismos. En particular, la a ratones cisgénicos que sobreproducen MCP-1 útiles en el estudio de enfermedades como por ejemplo, la obesidad, la esteatosis hepàtica 10 o la aterosclerosis |
Diagnosis of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis |
Títol | Abstract |
Aplicació de cribratge de Retinopatia (RETRIPROGRAM) | |
Beverage intake assessment questionnaire
Títol | Abstract | Grup de recerca |
The idea is a questionnaire to evaluate the specific intake of beverage that consider not only the intake of alcoholic and sugar sweetened beverages, but also water, milk and other beverages that could have effect in health |
Unitat de nutrició humana: Prenvenció i Epigenètica PREDIMED PLUS |
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
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