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Ajuts a la recerca

Relació d'ajuts convocats pels diferents organismes públics o privats, nacionals o internacionals.

  • Ayudas a Proyectos de Investigación- Fundación HERGAR

    Organitza: Convocatoria de Ayudas a Proyectos de Investigación 2013 - La Fundación HERGAR para la Investigación y Promoción Educativa es una organización de naturaleza fundacional, sin ánimo de lucro, cuyos fines son proporcionar oportunidades y recursos de investigación necesarias para la promoción de la investigación, así como el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en el ámbito educativo y empresarial de nuestro país. Vinculada a centros de formación de reconocido prestigio en España como son el Centro de Estudios Financieros y la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, la Fundación Hergar se propone, a través de diversas actividades e iniciativas, crear un marco propicio para el mejor aprovechamiento de la actividad investigadora en España.  

    Termini IISPV: Cal comunicar abans del 15 de gener de 2014 que es vol participar a la convocatòria, enviant un e-mail a convocatories@iispv.cat . Termini: 27 de gener de 2014 . L'IISPV gestiona les ajudes dels seus investigadors, no és l'entitat convocant.

  • COST Research Networks (Trans-Domain Proposals)

    Organitza: The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge.    COST brings together researchers and experts in different countries working on specific topics. It invites proposal for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. COST stimulates new, innovative, interdisciplinary and broad research networks in Europe. COST activities are carried out by research teams to stregthen the foundations for building scientific excellence in Europe.  

    Termini IISPV: Deadline for expressions of interest at IISPV: February 4th, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat) IISPV's Deadline for proposal submission: February 28th, 2014 Proposal submission: IISPV's deadline: April 7th, 2014

  • NIH-R21: Nutrition and Alcohol-Related Health Outcomes

    Organitza: The purpose of this FOA is to encourage applications that examine associations between nutrition and alcohol-related health outcomes in humans and in animal models. The goal is to stimulate a broad range of research on the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of a variety of alcohol-related health outcomes including alcohol dependence and psychiatric co-morbidities, chronic and acute diseases, and organ function and damage. Study designs may include experimental studies, feeding studies, epidemiologic approaches, and prevention/intervention studies. The R03 grant mechanism will support small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 20th, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: February 6th, 2014

  • NIH-DP3: Biomarkers for Diabetes Complications: Non-Invasive Measures in the Eye

    Organitza: The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) launches this founding opportunity to support research on the development of biomarkers for the complications of Type 1 Diabetes that will use minimally or non-invasive measures of blood vessels and nerves in the eye. This FOA invites applications for research on biomarker development for diabetes complications that would use non-invasive or minimally invasive measures of the blood vessels and nerves of the eye as markers for disease progression in the retina and tissues outside the eye.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 31st, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3- Letter of Intent: IISPV's deadline: February 25th, 2014. 4. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: March 27th, 2014

  • NIH-U19: International collaborations in Infectious Diseases Research

    Organitza: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications from U.S. institutions and collaborating foreign (non-U.S.) institutions to study infectious diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS) of great public health significance in resource-constrained countries. The collaboration must include, at a minimum, one U.S. institution and one eligible foreign institution. Eligible foreign countries are defined as low-income economies, lower-middle-income economies, and upper-middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank. This work is expected to increase scientific knowledge on public health related issues, enhance relevant research experience for U.S. and foreign investigators, promote the development of research capacity, and encourage future collaborative relationships. The collaboration must include, at a minimum, one US institution and one eligible foreign institution. However, additional collaborations may be included with other developed countries, and/or with more than one eligible foreign country.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 15th, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3- Letter of Intent: IISPV's deadline: January 31st, 2014 4. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: March 1st, 2014.

  • NIH-U01: International Collaborations in Infectious Diseases Research

    Organitza: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications from U.S. institutions and collaborating foreign (non-U.S.) institutions to study infectious diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS) of public health significance in resource-constrained countries. The collaboration must include, at a minimum, one U.S. institution and one eligible foreign institution. This work is expected to increase scientific knowledge on public health related issues, enhance relevant research experience for U.S. and foreign investigators, promote the development of research capacity, and encourage future collaborative relationships.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 15th, 2014(europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3- Letter of Intent: IISPV's deadline: January 31st, 2014 4. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: March 1st, 2014.    

  • NIH-R03: NCI Small Grants Program for Cancer Recearch (NCI Ommibus

    Organitza: This funding opportunity announcement (FOA), issued by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) supports small research projects on cancer that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 31st, 2014(europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: February 21st, 2014

  • NIH-R01: NIDCD Research Grants for Translating Basic Research into Clinical Tools

    Organitza: The NIDCD is encouraging applications which translate basic research findings into clinical tools for better human health in the NIDCD mission areas of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language. The intent of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide a new avenue for basic scientists, clinicians and clinical scientists to jointly initiate and conduct translational research projects. The scope of this FOA includes a range of activities to encourage translation of basic research findings which will impact the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of communication disorders. Multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, and academic-industrial collaborations studies are encouraged. This FOA is not intended for health services/outcome studies, the extension of ongoing clinical research studies, the optimization of current clinical protocols, or pre-translational studies. Connection to the clinical condition must be clearly established and the outcomes of the grant must have practical clinical impact.

    Termini IISPV: 1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: April 5th, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat) 2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc. 3.  Letter of Intent: IISPV's deadline: May 5th, 2014- Official deadline: May 20th, 2014 4. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: June 9th, 2014- Official deadline: June 23rd, 2014      


    Organitza: El objetivo de la convocatoria Retos-Colaboración es el apoyo a proyectos en cooperación entre empresas y organismos de investigación, con el fin de promover el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, la aplicación empresarial de nuevas ideas y técnicas, y contribuir a la creación de nuevos productos y servicios.  

  • MINECO-EQUIPA-Equipamiento en Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos

    Organitza: Ayudas para la adquisición, actualización y mantenimiento del equipamiento científico-tecnológico destinado a la investigación científico-técnica de calidad, que potencien el desarrollo de actividades empresariales de I+D altamente competitivas y, de este modo, contribuir al desarrollo regional en los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles. Características: 1) Regímenes de ayudas según importe presupuesto: a) Régimen de ayudas de Estado con finalidad regional: presupuesto >500.000€ b) Régimen de ayudas minimis: presupuesto ≤500.000€. 2) Presupuesto mínimo actuación: 50.000€. 3) Garantías: se constituirán garantías cuando la cuantía del préstamo  concedido sea  igual o superior a 200.000€, siendo el importe de la garantía del 25 % del importe del préstamo concedido.

    Termini IISPV: Cal comunicar abans del 15 de gener de 2014 que es vol participar a la convocatòria, enviant un e-mail a convocatories@iispv.cat . Termini: 20 de gener de 2014. L'IISPV gestiona les ajudes dels seus investigadors, no és l'entitat convocant.

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Tancament de la convocatòria

IISPVInstitut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV)

Work C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII

43007 Tarragona

Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cathttp://www.iispv.cat

IISPV - ReusInstitut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV) - Reus

Work C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut

43201 Reus (Tarragona)

Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93 http://www.iispv.cathttp://www.iispv.cat

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