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NIH-R21: Nutrition and Alcohol-Related Health Outcomes


The purpose of this FOA is to encourage applications that examine associations between nutrition and alcohol-related health outcomes in humans and in animal models. The goal is to stimulate a broad range of research on the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of a variety of alcohol-related health outcomes including alcohol dependence and psychiatric co-morbidities, chronic and acute diseases, and organ function and damage. Study designs may include experimental studies, feeding studies, epidemiologic approaches, and prevention/intervention studies. The R03 grant mechanism will support small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources.


Areas of Research Interest: Specific areas of research interest include, but are not limited to:

i) Fetal Alcohol:

1. What are the effects of alcohol on placental function, including maternal-fetal nutrient transfer?

2. Does maternal diet or maternal nutritional status impact risk for FASD?

3. Does maternal dietary supplementation of choline, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, or other nutrients impact risk of FASD?

4. In children with FASD, is condition severity mitigated by diet or dietary supplements?

5. Do other lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, impact the effectiveness of nutrition interventions to reduce risk or ameliorate harm from FASD?

6. Considering diet as environment, how do gene-environment interactions influence risk for FASD?

7. Does alcohol exposure through breastfeeding worsen FASD in offspring?

ii) Chronic Disease:

1. What is the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of alcohol use disorder?

2. What is the role of nutrition-alcohol interactions in the fetal origins of adult chronic disease?

3. How do drinking patterns and eating patterns interact to influence the risk of alcohol chronic disease?

4. What is the role of nutrition-alcohol interactions in healthy aging?

5. What is the role of dietary factors including essential nutrients and non-nutritive bioactive components of foods in the development, prevention, and treatment of alcohol-associated organ damage?

6. Does diet modify the risk of liver disease in moderate drinkers?

7. considering diet as environment, how do gene-environment interactions influence risk for alcohol-related chronic disease?

iii) Cognition:

1. How do drinking patterns and eating patterns interact to incluence cognitive function, impairment or decline?

2. How do interactions between alcohol, nutrients, hormones, and inflammatory cytokines influence risk for congnitive impairment or decline?

3. Considering diet as environment, ho do gene-environment interactoins influence risk for alcohol-related cognitive impairment?

4. Do other lifestytle factors, including smoking, and physical activity, influence associations between alcohol, nutrition, and cognition?

5. How do interactions between alcohol and nutrients influence brain structure and function?.

iv) Other considerations: Studies in all areas of nutrition and alcohol are encouraged including research on associations between:

1. Alcohol consumption and dietary intake.

2. Alcohol consumption and energy balance

3. Alcohol consumption and appetite

4. Binge drinking and risk of besoty.

Termini oficial

Oficial deadline: February 16th, 2014.

Termini IISPV

1- Declaration of interest: IISPV's deadline: January 20th, 2014 (europa@iispv.cat)

2- NIH Register; create PI account(s); affiliate PI account to IISPV, etc.

3. Full proposal: IISPV's deadline: February 6th, 2014

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