The TRANSCAN network is pleased to announce its third transnational call to fund multinational research projects under the theme of: "Translational research on tertiary prevention in cancer patients"
Cancer control aims to reduce incidence, morbidity and mortality of malignancies and to improve the quality of life in cancer patients. Prevention provides the most cost-effective long-term strategies for cancer control, particularly when the related interventions are placed within larger programs oriented towards chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Therefore, the development of novel, highly specific and increasingly effective tools and strategies for the prevention of cancer represents a major challenge for translational cancer research. In particular, reducing the risk of cancer recurrence and ensuring cancer survivors a good quality of life represent goals of utmost importance for patients, health care providers and health care systems in terms of allocations of public funds.
The above mentioned objectives constitute the pillars of the tertiary prevention of cancer.
Research on tertiary prevention can be directly translated into the clinic and provide urgently needed evidence-based guidelines on what cancer patients can do themselves to combat their cancer. An interdisciplinary approach linking health behaviours with biomarkers of recurrence holds the potentials to orient towards individually tailored prevention strategies.
There are gaps in research on the tertiary prevention of cancer that need to be urgently filled with respect to: the assessment of the impact of cancer patients’ health behaviours after diagnosis and treatment on clinical outcomes, with particular regard to the association of health behaviours with molecular markers and tumour characteristics; assessment of the impact of co-morbidities on cancer patients clinical outcomes; understanding of the mechanisms underlying cancer recurrence and metastatic process; identification of tools and strategies to prevent cancer recurrence and to minimise the consequences of cancer-related disabilities or loss of functionalities.
Fecha inicio- 2013-12-04
Fecha límite: 2014-02-03
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C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cat
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