Danone Institute International, a not-for-profit organization, organizes the Danone International Prize for Nutrition every 2 years with the support of the French "Fondation Recherche Médicale".
The 2013 DANONE INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR NUTRITION recognizes a single researcher or research team leading a major advancement in nutrition science, including new concepts and research fields with potential application for human diet and health.
The innovative research, including mechanisms, disease prevention and management, behavior, economics, public health, or expanding the frontiers of food science and nutrition, are within scope.
The DANONE INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR NUTRITION is 120 000 Euro, and will be shared 50/50 between the laureate and his/her not-for-profit primary research institution. The Prize funds provided to the institution must be used to support nutrition research.
November 15, 2012
November 8, 2012
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cathttp://www.iispv.cat
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
43201 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93