This workshop aims at bringing together investigators, academic organisations, hospital and university administration representatives, regulators, ethics committee members, lawyers, pharmaceutical companies, SMEs and patient representatives from
different countries to learn about different approaches to sponsorship and public-private partnerships in conducting clinical trials in different countries.
Also, to keep you updated with the EFGCP workshops and conferences or to obtain any further information, don't hesitate to visit our website at or contact us at the EFGCP Secretariat (T: +32 2 732 87 83 - Email:
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cat
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
43201 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93