

Jornades / Seminaris - Dijous, 13 de setembre de 2018

Clinical Proteomics: towards personalized medicine and health

November 7th and 8th, 2018

Dia: 7 - 8 de novembre 2018
Hora: 8:45h
Lloc: CosmoCaixa Barcelona. c/Isaac Newton, 26. Barcelona
Contact: Laura Rogel (lrogel@biocat.cat)

Traditionally, medicine relies on the patient's examination, medical history and available clinical parameters for the diagnosis of diseases and the selection of treatments. However, this practice is currently evolving with the emergence of new imaging techniques and high-throughput molecular sequencing that generate a large amounts of data per patient. These data can be converted to relevant clinical information allowing patient stratification and the deciphering of pathological mechanisms, thus advancing in the paradigm of personalized medicine. Among the molecular sequencing techniques, proteomics provides functional information about the activity of proteins, which is often crucial for the understanding of cell physiology

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