El Grup TecnATox - Laboratori de Toxicologia i Salut Mediambiental (LTSM) forma part del comitè organitzador del congrés INCHES.
Dies: 14 - 16th September, 2016
Lloc: Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona - PRBB - Doctor Aiguader, 88 in Barcelona, Spain
Children are one of the most vulnerable groups in society with regard to exposure to environmental stressors. There is still a lot to be done to protect children. We can learn from many professionals about the latest developments. The 8th International Network on Children's Health, Environment and Safety (INCHES)
C/ Dr. Mallafrè Guasch, 4
Edifici modular Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
43007 Tarragona
Tel./Fax Work977 24 97 72 http://www.iispv.cathttp://www.iispv.cat
C/ Sant Llorenç, 21
Planta baixa de l'edifici 4 de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
43201 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel./Fax Work977 75 93 96 / 977 75 93 95
Fax977 75 93 93