Portada > Cursos > SIRT1 and the metabolic adaptation to energy stress: where do we stand? Ponent: Carlos Canto Álvarez, PhD


SIRT1 and the metabolic adaptation to energy stress: where do we stand? Ponent: Carlos Canto Álvarez, PhD

  • Fechas y horarios: 09/11/2015 a les 13h
  • Lugar: Sala Polivalent (planta baixa) Centre d'R+D+I en Nutrició i Salut Av. Universitat, 1, 43204 Reus

Objectivo de la sessión

Dietary restriction constitutes the most consistent non-pharmacological intervention increasing lifespan and protecting against the deterioration of biological functions. However, how does calorie restriction work? And what are the main effectors? Stemming from the concept of calorie restriction “mimetic” we will try to dissect the possible paths by which calorie restriction controls metabolic adaptation and, ultimately, age-related physiological decline.

We will discuss the intricate relation of key cellular metabolic sensors, such as AMPK and SIRT1, and their role mediating the responses to energy and nutrient scarcity. We will also evaluate the role of SIRT1 activation as a calorie restriction mimetic strategy. Finally, NAD+ will be unveiled as a central node determining metabolic fate upon nutrient scarcity, leading to the development of diverse strategies to manipulate cellular NAD+ levels and promote health benefits.


L' Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV)

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